Monday, January 31, 2011

Script execution error (At Davangere,karnataka)

If you are not able to run the script using db2 -t -f script.txt then you can run by other way...

Just open script.txt file and copy first SQL Command without semi-column and run as given below...

First go to db2 mode by typeing  db2 and enter...


Now if you are getting prompt like given above then paste that SQL command here...

db2==> update casefiling set exportflag='N'
(Now you have to run each command one by one...)

If you still have problem then mail to

Friday, January 21, 2011

Update case Sequence Number Problem

Update case Sequence Number

If suppose you are getting Case Number like CC/1/2011    or  CC/11/1 and you want to start sequence number from 21, means you want to file a case CC/21/2011(New case Format)  or CC/11/21 (old case format)...

Then Go to Administrator--->Update Case Sequence Number and then choose Consumer Case(CC) and then enter sequence number 20(a integer value not whole case number like CC...) and then submit.

Now the Case will be generated from CC/21/2011.......when you click 'Filing-->Scrutiny & Case Filing'

******Always go for manual from link no 6

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Constraints information in the database catalog in DB2

Table 1. Constraints information in the database catalog

Catalog view          View columnDescriptionQuery example
Contains a row for each table check constraintdb2 select constname, tabname, text from syscat.checks
Contains a row for each column that is referenced by a table check constraintdb2 select constname, tabname, colname, usage from syscat.colchecks
SYSCAT.COLUMNSNULLSIndicates whether a column is nullable (Y) or not nullable (N)db2 select tabname, colname, nulls from syscat.columns where tabschema = 'DELSVT' and nulls = 'N'
Contains a row for each dependency of a constraint on some other objectdb2 select constname, tabname, btype, bname from syscat.constdep
Contains a row for each index.db2 select tabname, uniquerule, made_unique, system_required from syscat.indexes where tabschema = 'DELSVT'
Contains a row for each column that participates in a key defined by a unique, primary key, or foreign key constraintdb2 select constname, tabname, colname, colseq from syscat.keycoluse
Contains a row for each referential constraintdb2 select constname, tabname, refkeyname, reftabname, colcount, deleterule, updaterule from syscat.references
Contains a row for each unique (U), primary key (P), foreign key (F), or table check (K) constraintdb2 select constname, tabname, type from syscat.tabconst
SYSCAT.TABLESPARENTSNumber of parent tables of this table (the number of referential constraints in which this table is a dependent)db2 "select tabname, parents from syscat.tables where parents > 0"
SYSCAT.TABLESCHILDRENNumber of dependent tables of this table (the number of referential constraints in which this table is a parent)db2 "select tabname, children from syscat.tables where children > 0"
SYSCAT.TABLESSELFREFSNumber of self-referencing referential constraints for this table (the number of referential constraints in which this table is both a parent and a dependent)db2 "select tabname, selfrefs from syscat.tables where selfrefs > 0"
SYSCAT.TABLESKEYUNIQUENumber of unique constraints (other than primary key) defined on this tabledb2 "select tabname, keyunique from syscat.tables where keyunique > 0"
SYSCAT.TABLESCHECKCOUNTNumber of check constraints defined on this tabledb2 "select tabname, checkcount from syscat.tables where checkcount > 0"

How to see Primary key in a table in DB2

---------See primary key with column name in a table in db2---------------
db2  "select constname,tabname,colname from syscat.keycoluse where tabname='TABLENAME' "

It will give you.....


db2inst1@confonet:~> db2 "select constname,tabname,colname from syscat.keycoluse where tabname='COMPLAINANT_RESPONDENT'"

CONSTNAME                                                                                                                        TABNAME                                                                                                                          COLNAME                                                                                                             
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL100416165400090                                                                                                               COMPLAINANT_RESPONDENT                                                                                                           CRSEQ                                                                                                               
SQL100416165400090                                                                                                               COMPLAINANT_RESPONDENT                                                                                                           CR_TYPE                                                                                                             
SQL100416165400090                                                                                                               COMPLAINANT_RESPONDENT                                                                                                           FANO                                                                                                                

  3 record(s) selected.

Here COMPLAINANT_RESPONDENT table have a composite primary key on three column (FANO,CRSEQ,CR_TYPE)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Running Script in DB2

First copy the script (Using WINSCP from client remotely..see screen shot) on server under any directory and then login on server as db2inst1 user through putty remotely from client machine...(You can also do this by accessing server directly)

First give 'ls' command to see whether the script is in current directory or not where you have copied the script on server..

Now connect with your database ... db2 connect to DATABASENAME

And then give command...        db2     -t      -f     script4.txt

Now enter...


If this is not working then you have to run each SQL command with out semicolumn (end of each SQL statement in script.txt file) this...

db2  "update casetypedocs set mndtstatus='N' where casetypeid=1 "

And then enter..this has to be done for all SQL statements...

If this is also not working then do..
(see below screen)
Type db2 and enter
command  update casetypedocs set mndtstatus='N' where casetypeid=1

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Un-install Confonet Application

Please first login on http://server-ip-address:9060/ibm/console

and then................go to Application-->Enterprises application link

Now see next all confonet EAR link and click on un-install button...

Now Just save this...

You can do fresh installation now.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

JNDI name in DB2 Connection

Please see the following screen shots....

Also see other details below on this screen like ip-address of server, database name...according to manual....

Tumkur District Confonet Problem



Run following SQL command on your database ....

db2 connect to DATABASENAME

db2 "insert into category values(0,'None')"


Send your reply after this....

Monday, January 10, 2011

Confonet Project Details

CONFONET (Computerization and Computer Networking of Consumer Forums in


Client Government of India

Place National Informatics Centre (NIC), New Delhi

Technologies Java, J2EE, Struts 1.2, DB2 8.2, Linux, WAS(Web Sphere Application Server)

Application Type Web Based (Intranet)

Description: Objectives of CONFONET: To set up Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure at Consumer Redressal forums all over India to provide IT solution at each level in order to provide:

1. E-governance

2. Transparency and efficiency

3. Systematizing of working

To achieve time bound delivery of justice to the consumers.

There are 635 (approx) District forum and 34 state commissions and NCDRC in the country.

Case Monitoring System

Case Monitoring system is an intranet based application to record the proceedings of cases registered by complainants or appellants in consumer courts and provides an easy retrieval of information. Thus the job of monitoring the status of multiple cases as well as maintaining their statistics is highly simplified.

Salient Features

  • Automated scrutiny process
  • Generates case number automatically
  • Reduces the delay in preparation of cause list.
  • Helps storage and easy retrieval of judgments.
  • Helps to obtain the case status easily.
  • Helps litigants to obtain copies of judgment.
  • Generates administrative reports for e.g.

==>Particulars of cases filed and pending,

==>Particulars of disposed off cases within 90 days, 90 days to 150 days, Above 150 days.

==> By selecting any duration and state

==> Cases filed, disposed and pending since inception, yearly & quarterly basis.

==> Cases filed, disposed and pending State/District wise.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Linux IP address problem

Question1: How to set ip address in a Linux machine if it's network card is configured...

Answer: First give command to see the network card and default ip address of system...

Login as a root user and then give ifconfig

Now you will get some information

etch0 .....................

lo ..............

Now give---------------

ifconfig eth0 ip-address netmask up

(This will set the ip-address)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

DB2 Problem::: SQL0750N The source table cannot be renamed because it is referenced in a view, materialized query table, trigger, SQL function, SQL m

Problem: SQL0750N The source table cannot be renamed because it is referenced in a view, materialized query table, trigger, SQL function, SQL method, check constraint, or referential constraint...............

Solution: First please see all referential constraint on a table using following command

db2 select constname, tabname, refkeyname, reftabname, colcount, deleterule, updaterule from syscat.references

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ---------- ----------

Now note down the constant name....say

Now give command.....


Now you can rename that table........